- Unlock My Phone - Target StyleBe the fastest player to knock over the right cups
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How to play Unlock My Phone - Target Style
This is a fresh new spin on the hit game Unlock My Phone (and if you haven't played that yet, you should definitely check it out). This time, instead of running to tap the numbers, you set a cup up at each number and you toss paper balls at them to knock them down.
I loved the original game, but it was missing the social aspect. In this version, you can play against others by sharing your score and seeing if they can beat it or by racing against them. It's perfect for video chats like FaceTime and Zoom. Every player sets it up the same way, yell GO, then see who knocks down the code first.
Don't have paper plates? Use paper or chalk
Don't have cups? Empty cans and action figures are perfect targets
Swipe or tap the right arrow to move to the next code.
Haven't played the original version yet? Try it out here.
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