This is a companion post to A Well Played Field Day. Check it out for more great Field Day resources.
Game Play
Every scooter is called a Hamburger ingredient. If your scooters aren't different colors, you can put colored tape or flags on them.
- Red - Ketchup
- Yellow - Mustard
- Green - Pickle
- Purple - Onion
- Orange - Bun
- Blue - Bleu Cheese
An ingredient is called out as "It". Everybody on that color scooter tries to catch another ingredient. When they do, those two players switch scooters. Now the new person is "It" and the other scoots off.
- Scooter rules: SIT (no knees or standing), Look where you’re going, and keep hands safe (best bet is INSIDE THE POCKET and not on the outside of the handle.
- Pro tip: keep toes up to keep feet from getting run over.
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Recommended Reading
Spicy Lyrics - The easiest tool to make sure music is appropriate for your kids.
Four Square, Floor Square, Air Pong, and other small-sided games - Mini-games that lead up to Four Square
Ultimate Kickball - Kickball without all the problems that come with Kickball. Also insanely fun.
Six Tips for Eliminating Power Struggles - Communicate without the struggle.