This is a companion post to A Well Played Field Day. Check it out for more great Field Day resources.
Divide players into partners.
Have all players stand at the front of each board. One on the right and left. Whoever they are facing at the opposite board is their partner.
Game Play
- Players earn 3 points for tossing the bean bag into the hole
- Players earn 1 point for landing the bean bag on the board
- Players take turns throwing from one side to the other until all bags are thrown. Once all bags are thrown, they count up their points.
- After counting points, the players on the other side have their turn to throw
- If a player has no teammate, they can run across to the other side and be their own teammate.
- Players on the non-throwing side cannot touch any bean bag until all are thrown (especially the ones that scored points)
- Throw from the front of the board.
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Recommended Reading
Spicy Lyrics - The easiest tool to make sure music is appropriate for your kids.
Four Square, Floor Square, Air Pong, and other small-sided games - Mini-games that lead up to Four Square
Ultimate Kickball - Kickball without all the problems that come with Kickball. Also insanely fun.
Six Tips for Eliminating Power Struggles - Communicate without the struggle.